Thursday, 5 January 2012

Bigfoot Territory:Leaving a Gift

I chose a spot in the forest to leave a gift for Bigfoot if they are in this area.I believe they could be because all the conditions are right.Plenty of cover,lots of water and a variety of game.
I used the rubber ball as a container because it requires basic motor skills to remove the oranges easily,and the fruit can be seen.I used surveyors tape to secure the ball to the tree branch,and the bright orange tape will be easy to see from a distance.
There are no trails near this particular spot and I picked it randomly.I felt it that it's wooded enough to remain hidden.I wanted leave the gift in a stress free area,so I hope they accept it.


  1. Any luck with the follow up of the gift you Left?

  2. Hi Beer-Man.Unfortunately I have not had a chance to get back to check.
    Life got busy,family came for a visit and it was -30C.This coming Saturday I am heading back out to check.
    I've been getting antsy to get back out to the woods.Regardless of the outcome,I will post a follow up video.

  3. I see the last comment was posted back in January. So, any new updates since then?
    Great idea with the rubber ball!

  4. I've been gifting with the ones in my area for years. They always take what I leave..but they've never taken any of the oranges or bananas but seem to love apples and peanut butter I think they just don't know how to eat the oranges/bananas. I like your technique but here's mine and it works well if your in an area that's not travelled by people to see if the bf are in the area. Take any size bucket and place it on top of the food you intend to leave. Than place any heavy object on top the buck ie big rock,cinderblock etc. If its bfs taking the food they'll take it and put the heavy object exactly back on the bucket that's been covering the food so you wouldn't know anythings touched unless the foods gone. They'll often just take the food and put the rock back on the bucket but on occasion they'll replace the food with a gift. I've been given a turtle shell,multiple types of neat looking stones,a coon skull,turkey feather and just recently they've left me an awesome 5pt deer shed

    1. That's a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion, it's one that I will definitely try.
      It's getting very cold here now, but I'll do this as soon as I have an opportunity.
      Thanks again!

  5. Where you from Sasquaination? In my area there's a ton of those tree breaks you speak of but also I've noticed they seem to favor making tree arches what they'll do is tuck multiple saplings under a deadfall tree turning them into an arch. Granted some can be naturally occuring but u can easily tell what's natural and what's done on intenially as a sign /marker. What's your take on them? I can only figure its either markers for them or to let other bfs know their in the area..It amazes me how smart these creatures are they will take the food from under the bucket everynight for a month straight but as soon as I try to slip in my trail camera to try to get a pic they won't touch it. Its as if they know what I'm trying to do. Anyways Merry Christmas and happy squatchin ;)

    1. I live in Alberta and research near the Rockies. I've seen plenty of tree arches but most were thin birch or poplars and they were in large clusters. Obviously this is due to nature itself and not something that was intentionally manipulated.
      I did come across a fairly tall pine tree that was arched. The tip of it is wedged under a deadfall and the tree is surrounded by perfectly normal spruce and pine trees. It's also on a game trail. I couldn't see any possible way that the deadfall could have come down on top of the pine without taking other trees with it.
      I have no evidence to say if it was a Bigfoot, human or nature, but this was an odd one for me. I do have one photo of it. I'll post it for you to look at.
      I've moved south of my original research area so I'm looking in a different spot now which is still along the Rockies. I'm guessing I'm about 40- 50 kms. south of where I was originally looking.
      Two past sightings have been reported in my current location, so I'm focused on that area. I came upon a large circle of rocks, but once again, no evidence to indicate who or what made it. The circle is far too large for a fire pit and there were no signs of charred wood.
